

Apophys stellen SciFi Death Metal – Song vor

Apophys - Devoratis

Die Niederländer Apophys gibt es seit 2012. Drummer Michiel van der Plicht ist auch unter anderem bei God Dethroned und Winter Of Sin aktiv, früher bei Toxocara und weiteren. Frontgrunzer Kevin Quilligan war ebenfalls u. a. bei Toxocara. Keiner der fünf Musiker ist ein völlig unbekannter.

Das Debüt "Prime Incursion" erschien 2015.
Am 22. Januar 2018 soll nun ihre zweite Scheibe, das Epic SciFi-Werk "Devoratis" veröffentlicht werden.

Hier schon mal die Trackliste:

1. Children of the Stars
2. The Verdict
3. Xiux – The Parasite
4. Matters Unresolved
5. Deadlock
6. Respite (Interlude)
7. What We Will Be
8. Retaliate
9. Occasus

Als Vorgeschmack gibt es bereits ein Video zu "Retaliate":


Wer mehr über das Konzept hinter der Scheibe wissen will, kann hier einiges erfahren:

The album is based on a science fiction story written by vocalist Kevin Quilligan. "We wanted to do a concept album but we couldn’t find a fitting concept," Quilligan shares. "So we decided to write it ourselves. Together with all the members we fashioned our own tale to tell which has given a whole new meaning to our music."
Read the full story below…

The story of an unlikely union of two forces against an intergalactic race led by a zealous leader known as Consul…

It all starts with an Operator called Zohm, an engineer with remarkable skills. His task is to demolish planets, entire galaxies of them, to cast out all the elements within. "To make sure the Universe keeps developing as it should." At least, that’s what his superiors told him. Zohn could care less for the ideology and secret plans of his superiors. It was the technology behind the devices used that he was most interested in. As long as he could keep working on those, he would believe whatever Consul came up with.

One day, a day like any other, everything went wrong. A device failed to go off, a device operated by Zohm. He didn’t know why, there was nothing out of the ordinary. He knew he did everything right. He also knew he would be the one held accountable (which meant a trial before Consul and his peers). Everything went so fast that he could hardly remember it all, but he did remember the verdict:

You must return to right your wrong
To find a way
Cast down into solitude
An exile from this day
Ultimately you will meet your end
When your task is complete
Eternally alone you will stay
And now we will proceed.

Zohm was exiled to the planet he was supposed to destroy. To fix the device and let it carry out its task. This wasn’t just exile; this was a death sentence. While trying to find out what went wrong he comes across a creature called Xiux. Xiux is an ancient being unlike anything else, more a consciousness then an organism. He is the planet and the planet is him. He stopped the device, to some personal damage. Zohm, unaware of the vastness that is Xiux, tried to trap him. The two collide and instead of taking each other down they merge. The resourceful engineer and the living planet form an entity of unparalleled power.

Consul, outraged at the news that Zohm has not fulfilled his sentence, sends the entire fleet back to show everyone that disobedience will not be tolerated. He is met by Zohm and Xiux, eagerly awaiting them, hungry for a challenge."

The stage has been set
All pieces in place
Their end is our beginning

Über den Autor

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