

Einherjer: Neues Album "Norrøne Spor" am 09.11.2018

Einherjer - Norrøne Spor

Einherjer sind laut nordischer Mythologie die auf dem Schlachtfeld ehrenvoll gefallenen Krieger, die dafür in Walhalla tagsüber sich im Kampf üben und abends kräftig feiern und Met trinken.
Das ist natürlich ein toller Name für eine Viking Metal-Band dachte man sich 1993 in Norwegen. Damit gehören Einherjer zu den ersten, die Black Metal mit Folk-Elementen (wie Flöte) verbanden und Texte (in Norwegisch und Englisch) über Wikinger und die nordische Sagen/Götterwelt hatten.

2018, 22 Jahre nach dem Debüt "Dragons Of The North" bzw. zwei Jahre nach der Neuauflage "Dragons Of The North XX" und vier Jahre nach dem für den norwegischen Grammy nominierten "Av Oss, For Oss" erscheint nun das neueste Werk "Norrøne Spor"  am 9. November 2018.

Hier die offzielle Ankündigung:

Einherjer’s Norse heritage is a phenomenon that reaches far beyond what one can hear alone. It is an amalgamation of the mystique and sagas of old, of songs and poems, of woodcutting and sword grinding and the vikings merciless way of life. It’s a cultural patchwork that fills the consciousness with the brutal majesty of the  Nordic nature, the elemental strain, of mighty longships plowing the black seas to reach unknown shores. The wisdom of the gods and their Valhalla. Of cultural encounters and trade. Of violence and brutality. Of tough men in a tough time. Their hometown Haugesund also rings with historic sound, and from their own shores on the west coast of Norway the influence of the Vikings stretched towards the sea and the world beyond. The adventurers, pioneers, poets and craftsmen have inspired Einherjer to go their own way. The Vikings' courage and boldness have inspired us to never compromise Einherjer’s vision: A vision that is a unique, self-made, original and modern interpretation of our mighty Nordic heritage.

The band’s vocalist & bassist, Frode Glesnes, has commented their upcoming album: "Classic  Einherjer  meets the future and the past! No, we have not returned to our roots! That’s a way overused cliche and it always calls for bullshit! We have simply written and arranged more stuff together. On our last few albums we have written songs separately, this time we’ve looked at what happens when Gerhard & me are in a room together. We still have a firm grip on what Einherjer is all about. That will never change! Here is 10 new songs that any heathen metalhead should be able to love and appreciate. No bullshit, just 10 great metal songs!"

Nun noch die Trackliste:

1. The Spirit of a Thousand Years

2. Mine Våpen Mine Ord

3. Fra Konge Te Narr

4. Kill the Flame

5. Mot Vest

6. Spre Vingene

7. The Blood Song

8. Døden Tar Ingen Fangar

9. Tapt Uskyld

10. Av Djupare Røtter

11. Deaf Forever

und die Bandmitglieder, die aktuell dabei sind:

Frode Glesnes – guitar, bass & vocals

Gerhard Storesund – drums & samples

Aksel Herløe – guitar & backing vocals

Ole Sønstabø – lead guitar

Über den Autor

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