

Layla Zoes "The Bluebird’s Egg"

Zum anstehende Album-Projekt schreibt Layla Zoe:
»[…] Although the album "The Bluebird’s Egg" was cancelled due to the discovery that the main writing partner (who I had invested time to co-write half the album with) was completely unreliable and untrustworthy to finish the project, the single (title track) co-written with Jackie Venson (USA) will be released sometime later this year. I am excited to work on this song as it was written about a deeply personal experience I had in 2020 and is a different genre of music than I normally work in. Instead of relying on the digital tracks I had originally planned to use for most of the instrumentation of the song, I have decided to pay some of the musicians (who also worked on the Nowhere Left To Go album) to record the parts instead, to give it a more organic and warm feeling. I hope my 'vision' will come to fruition. Deep gratitude again to those people who came forward and donated through the Gofundme page to make the production/recording/mix/mastering of the song possible this year. And to my dear friend Bobbi Sue Smith (Paris) for the beautiful artwork. Stay tuned for more details soon and check out these links if you would like to support the recording, and want to see more of Bobbi Sue’s artwork. […]«

An dem Album beteiligt sind neben Layla Zoe auch Schlagzeuger Dirk Sengotta, Bassist Gregor Sonnenberg, Tastenmann Bob Fridzema sowie Cellist Yoed Nir.

Hier der Teaser zu "The Bluesbird’s Egg":


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