

Joshua Castillo nicht mehr Bassist bei Manilla Road

Die Epic Metaller Manilla Road aus Witchita, Kansas, erleben in den letzten Jahren ihren wieviel-auch-immer-ten Frühling, nicht zuletzt dank eines neuen, überzeugenden Line-ups. Doch Familie und Arbeit zwecks Gelderwerb fordern ihren Tribut, siehe aktuelles Posting, das besagt, das Joshua Castillo aus den genannten Gründen schweren Herzens aussteigen muss:

Joshua Castillo erklärt:

It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing today that I will no longer be the bass player for Manilla Road. Most of you on here know me as the world traveling rocker, but what you might not know is that I’m also a husband, a father of four and self employed in my hometown. It was brought up, by myself, a while back that it is extremely difficult for me too carry on this lifestyle, while also touring as much as we have. I’m still not quite sure whether or not I’m really ready to hang it up, but after several discussions with Mark it seems that right now would be the most convenient time to step down and allow them to have time to work in a new bass player. I want everyone to know that this doesn’t mean that I’m retiring. Guys like us can’t live without having music in our lives. It’s in our blood, and it’s the air we breathe. I’ll continue to play in my other band that I play guitar for called CUCUI. I really really wish the guys the best, and hopefully they will continue to grow in their success. I’m going to really miss sharing the stage and traveling with them, and of course I’m going to miss all the friends and fans that I’ve met along the way and that have touched my heart. I’ll Never Say Goodbye. I hope that I will still see you down the road of life. !!!\mllm/!!!

Quelle: Manilla Road bei Facebook

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