

Sari Schorr ist der Meinung, man soll das Radio anstellen

Der Song "Turn The Radio On" stammt von Sari Schorrs Album Never Say Never.
Dazu heißt es in der Presseinformation:
»[…] With her latest video — for 'Turn the Radio On' — Sari shows how far her creative visual skills have come, and what can be achieved these days with quality consumer media tools, like a smartphone, laptop and editing software. Oh, and vision, commitment and one Hell of a song! […]«
Dabei handelt es sich um ein »[…] Self-shot Video […]«.
Sari Schorr, die Sängerin, Komponistin und Produzentin von Videos.
Die Künstlerin sagt dazu:
»[…] Creating this visual representation of my music has been a monumental challenge, first and foremost because I’m not a filmmaker and have no professional equipment at my disposal. Furthermore, location options were limited due to the pandemic. And, learning my way around Final Cut Pro (software not for unadventurous) took a mix of naivety and grit. […]«

Was draus geworden ist, kann man sich im "Turn The Radio On"-Video anschauen.

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