Anfang Februar bis Mitte März waren Testament, Exodus und Death Angel gemeinsam auf The Bay Strikes Back-Europatour, das letzte Konzert am 11.03.2020 in Hannover wurde aus aktuellem Anlass abgesagt. Die Musiker kehrten heim in die USA.
Leider blieb diese Tour nicht folgenlos. Schon bald fühlten sich bei Testament nicht mehr alle wohl und ließen sich daher auf COVID-19 testen. Bei Frontmann Chuck Billy, seiner Frau Tiffany und mehreren Crewmitgliedern war das Ergebnis positiv.
Bereits zuvor waren die Tourteilernehmer (auch von den anderen Bands) proaktiv in Qurantäne gegangen.
Gary Holt von Exodus zeigt ebenfalls Symptome, er wartet derzeit noch auf sein Testergebnis. Schlimm erwischt hat es wohl den Death Angel-Schlagzeuger Will Carroll. Meldungen zufolge liegt er auf der Intensivstation.
Soweit der derzeitige Infostand. Wir wünschen allen Betroffenen Gute Besserung und dass sie bald wieder gesund werden.
Hier noch das Original-Statement von Testament:
As many of you already know, after returning from the BAY STRIKES BACK over Europe Tour last week, some of us in TESTAMENT have been feeling unwell and have made the decision along with our Doctors to be tested for the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. As of yesterday morning, Chuck and Tiffany Billy’s tests have come back positive as well as some crew members.
We wanted to reach out to everyone who has been supporting us and expressing concern to inform you that we are doing what’s right, and what’s safe, and have all been quarantining ourselves since our return home; since before we were even tested. We are of course concerned for our families, our friends, our crew, our fellow musicians, and our fans. We’ve reached out to support our fellow Bay Area Bands who are also being proactive in their own camps, staying quarantined and safe, and will speak on their individual situations if and when they are ready to.
At this moment we are currently focused on staying safe and quarantined, resting, getting ourselves back to health, and of course, sending well wishes, prayers, and positive energy towards our friends who are also sick. We also want to send well wishes to all of our fans and supporters in this time of crisis. We’re taking all the necessary steps to stay safe at home and we ask our friends and fans to do the same. Please take care of each other, and stay healthy so we can continue to thrash in the not so distant future!
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